MATH 120 Homepage

Section 1009 

Fall 2020

Instructor:  Bob Ain

Office:  CDC 710

Phone: (702) 895-5173

Office Hours: Virtual only this semester.  0830-0930 MTWR, or by appointment. Call me in my office, and we'll get linked up.


MyMathLab Course ID:   ain96888

Zoom Classroom:   996 1486 0070  (Class)                                Passcode:  MATH120TR

                               928 6751 4574  (Office Hours)                      Passcode:  OfficeHour

Note:  You have to call me in my office first, so I can launch the Zoom meeting.


Never, never, never, never give up. Sir Winston Churchill. 

Current Notes:  (1430/17 May 2021)

Grades are posted.  Only a few of y'all sparkled on the final exam, but most of y'all made it.  I stretched every single grade as far as it would go.

If you see something missing in the gradebook, let me know today.  Grades will go in tomorrow (Tuesday).  It is way easier to fix something wrong now, rather than after the grade has been sent to the Registrar.

It was a pleasure and an honor to have y'all in my class.  Take care of yourselves, and when school reopens, stop by to check on me.  If I can help you out, let me know.

I've found quite a few people who know about how to succeed in a math class, and were ambitious enough to write it down.  Some of them talk about "calculus," but if you substitute "math" it works just the same.  You can find them here.

Do math every day.


Qualification Sheet


Assignment Summary

Theme Outlines

Projects and Mini-Projects

Test Study Guides

Help Sites

Portfolio Instructions



Link to MyMathLab for homework, online tutoring, and help.

version twenty-nine, 17 may mmxxi